Sorry again for the slack blogging, things are very busy around here, lots of things happening that I can't tell you about yet, very frustrating for me (and you) but be sure I'll let you know as soon as I can! However thats no excuse for lack of blogging news, I should start by updating you on how the button swap went, there are some amazing buttons being made and posted around the world to people, check out some of them at the flickr group. I think it was a success for those taking part, I certainly had a great time learning about lots of new crafty people and what they make.
Here are the lovely buttons I received from Incywincystitches, photos copied from ms incywincystitches herself as she photographed them so much better that I did (hope she doesn't mind!), I also recieved a lot of other lovely goodies, inluding this pin cushion, super cute!
Also my parcel of Valentines goodies arrived from Skinny Laminx, a great tea towel and lots of lovely other bits and pieces, a great and unexpected prize to win.

Lastly look at these lovely parcels I recieved in the February A little Fabric a little chocolate swap, and look at all the lovely fabric, chocolate and stuff that was inside:

I've been very lucky to have received such a lot of lovely items in the mail over the last few weeks, I hope the people I sent my parcels to are half as pleased with what they receive as I was!
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