Friday, 11 November 2011

Monday, 28 March 2011
A Day at Sea Pattern

Boats and Ships Pattern, originally uploaded by Phatsheep Textiles.
This is my entry for the Spoonflower & Michael Miller Fabrics Competition. The brief was to design a fabric suitable for a baby boy. There were about 1000 entries which will be whittled down to just 75 which go to a public vote, the top 10 of these then get a chance to design a whole fabric collection, which is then entered into another vote...Phew!
I've seen some of the entries and there are some very talented designers who have entered great designs. So while I have my fingers and toes crossed hoping that I make the top 75, I realise there are a whole lot of other people wishing the same for their entry!
I'll find out if I got through on the 31st so I'll let you know how i got on :)
Wednesday, 16 February 2011
Recovered Chair

Sunday, 2 January 2011
Happy New Year!

Saturday, 18 December 2010
A little Christmas Gift for everyone

To print them off please:
- Click on the gift tags image,which will open up in a new window
- Save them to wherever you'd like on your computer and print away.
They were designed to fit onto an A4 sheet of card but print at whatever size you'd like.
I hope to post here again before Christmas but family festivities and organising may get in the way so just incase I don't ...wishing you all a very Happy Christmas!

Friday, 3 December 2010
Holiday Ornament Swap Decorations Completed

Holiday Ornament Swap (1), originally uploaded by Phatsheep Textiles.
I have spent the past few evenings making my decorations for the 5th Annual Holiday Ornament Swap, they are now all packaged up and ready to go in the mail tommorrow. Its funny to think these little hearts will be decorating trees and houses in all corners of the world they are headed off to ....UK, USA, Europe and Austraila!
I look forward to seeing what lovely ornaments arrive in the mail over the coming weeks and will post some pics of them up here and in the Flickr Group.
Monday, 29 November 2010
Quilt top WIP

Quilt top WIP, originally uploaded by Phatsheep Textiles.
I mentioned earlier that I was attending a nightclass to learn how to do patchwork properly. Well the class has now finished and I am well on the way to creating a 9 block sampler quilt. I still have to add borders, do quilting and binding but I'm really hopeful I can get it finished in time for Christmas.....wish me luck!
It is cold and snowy here in Shetland, it makes everything look lovely, but its not so easy to get out and about. Its been a day off Nursery for J and no toddler group for A so I was very glad when the postman arrived with a big box of crafting supplies I ordered from Hobby Craft last week, time to start making some Christmas gifts for the family.....